Monday, February 26, 2018


"1587, A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline" is a very interesting book. It describes the mindset of Eastern Asian people, which, unfortunately, from what I've observed, didn't change significantly after more than 400 years. From my recent re-reading I got a lot of enlightenment and therefore recommended it to Gianluca.

The way that the emperor called for a strike is a creative approach against the entire bureaucracy system. Of course, it also contributed to the declination of the dynasty.

"1587, A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline" on Amazon


不過近年來經過了反洗腦排毒程序之後,這次重閱我發現我終於看懂了,而且受到很多啟發。很遺憾的是我覺得台灣社會很多思維跟 1587年沒差太多,可以說整個社會還沒完成現代化。我覺得讀這本書可以系統性地了解很多台灣的社會現象與輿論風向。我推薦Gianluca看這本書來了解東亞社會的思維。Gianluca說:



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