Saturday, May 21, 2016

My Next Job?!

I met a senior Asian guy while pumping my bike in front of the public library. (The pumping area becomes the only place I could talk to locals.)

"Do you speak Korean?" He asked.
"No, I'm from Taiwan." I replied.
(I guess I'm getting fat recently and having a Korean-style face... :S)
"Are you a student?"
"No, I'm a postdoc researcher."
(yay! that means I look young! :D)

We chatted a bit more, and finally he asked,
"Are you going to stay in this area after school?"
"It depends on where my next job is...."
"You have a female president; four years afterwards it will be your job!"

OK, I'm preparing my CV and reference letters.....XDDDD

Make Taiwan Great Again.

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